Monday, October 25, 2010

IS Audit and Supervision comparison

Information Systems Audit and Information Systems Management
The so-called information systems audit (also known as IS Audit) is, auditors entrusted or authorized to collect and evaluate evidence to determine whether a computer system (information system) is valid so that the protection of assets, maintaining data integrity and efficient completion of organization the activities of the process target. It includes information systems to external audit verification goal - that of the audited units to protect assets, information system security and data integrity verification, but also contains the internal audit management objectives - that not only protect the assets of the audited information systems security and data integrity but also the effectiveness of information systems goals.
Information Systems Management, according to Ministry of Information Industry, "Provisional Regulations on Management Information System" means the qualifications established by law and have the corresponding information systems engineering supervision unit, commissioned by the owners of units, according to state laws and regulations, technical standards and information systems engineering Management contracts, information systems engineering project supervision and management.
Information Systems Audit and Information Systems Management can serve the information technology and reduce information technology investment risk. Management Information System is not foreign concepts presented in our concept is borrowed construction supervision, and information systems audit is the beginning of the 21st century, introduced from abroad to the domestic.
IS Audit and Supervision Development
鈼?Information System Audit
Information Systems Audit and first known as the audit is the financial accounting area with computer applications Er production of, as the traditional 璐㈠姟 audit services of one kind of auxiliary tools, customer Dianzi 鍖?accounting data processing and analysis, audit the financial statements provide services.
With the application of computer technology, expanding the scope of, the computer being audited every part of the increasing influence of business, computer auditing the contents of concern from a simple electronic processing, extends to the computer system reliability, security nature to understand and evaluation. The explosive development of information technology has changed the economic, social and cultural structure and operation mode, e-commerce, Internet banking, network security, e-government appeared in succession, the role of information resources into full play. People live, work more and more dependent on information technology. Use of information technology information systems attack rivals, steal secrets through the network of illegal possession of wealth, especially the phenomenon of digital wealth increased, disrupting normal economic order in the country. This makes people more concerned about the transmission of information network security, integrity and true concern for production, processing, transmission of information system security, reliable, effective, concern how companies assess their risks and how to take measures to prevent and control.
Because of technical limitations and other reasons, the information users are neither verified the quality of information, an urgent need for an independent third party out of the face of the confidentiality of information (Confidentiality), integrity (Integrity), non-repudiation of transactions (Non- -Repudiation), counterparty authentication (User Authentication), the system is safe and effective to make such identification, with reasonable protection of the interests of information users. Meanwhile, the process of enterprise information professionals also need to control information system risks and enhance efficiency of information services. True sense of the information systems audit came into being.
Today's information systems audit of the business has exceeded audit of financial statements for the scope of service, in many major accounting firm within the information systems audit has become an independent in the range of services provide to the outside of the department.
鈼?Management Information System
Since the 20th century and 90 years, from central to local, from government to enterprises, have invested heavily in information engineering development and information systems development, but which really An schedule, quality requirements, the investment budget completed, and the user (Owners ) satisfaction, only a very small number, less than 20%. Even better, some Gaode projects, more or less some problems. These problems seriously affect the quality of information engineering projects and progress, not only damaged the two sides signed the contract (the construction unit and construction unit) of interest, returned to the state and society caused many unnecessary losses.
Information system for the protection of the interests of the contracting parties, to ensure that national information construction and information industry more healthy and orderly development, "Information Systems Management," is adopted.
Ministry of Information Industry since 2002 have issued the "Provisional Regulations on Management Information System", "Information Systems Management, the qualification management approach" and "Information Systems Management Engineer Qualification Regulations." Regulations and management practices for more than clear that the supervision of the scope and content of supervision, supervision units and the rights and obligations of supervision engineers, supervision units for qualification, evaluation and approval of management practices, supervision engineers and other eligible management practices. IS Audit and Supervision difference
From both the concept and practice of summing up domestic and international perspective, Information Systems Audit and Information Systems Management major difference between the reflected in the role of clients, working methods, themes and aspects.
鈼?different role
Audit the financial statements similar to the role of information systems audit include:
First, the authentication function. The forensic audit of the role of information systems is through the audit, reasonable assurance that the audited information systems and processing the information generated by the authenticity, integrity, reliability, consistency and policy compliance. Information systems auditors in their independent capacities, on the audited information system and its output of information audit, to identify all errors and fraud, is to maintain normal economic order, e-commerce era important means necessary.
Second, the catalytic role. Promoting value reflected in two aspects, one can refer to the information system audit Cu Jinbei audit Danwei more effective integration into the socio-economic life, Zhong; two is that the audit can be audited for improving internal controls, to strengthen Guan Li, Tigao Information System Implementation organizational goals of efficiency, effectiveness.
From the first point of view, information systems auditors in the completion of audit, audit certification, that the audit report to certify the audited information is true, complete and reliable. Auditors that can enhance people's confidence in their information.
With the popularization of network technology, business information, online and real-time disclosure is not to reverse the inevitable trend. Information systems auditors can online, real-time identification based on information provided on the use of information in terms of all relevant bodies is of great value.
From the second perspective, information systems audit during the audit found that the control of defects or flaws, can audit report, management letter or other form of audit report to the principal unit of management authorities, and put forward proposals to solve the problem, thus contributing to improve the management of the audited unit level, to improve economic efficiency.
Third, the advisory role. The development of information technology management organization to provide the technical means to change, organizational flattening, job enrichment and other management changes should be achieved through information technology. Information technology is a trend, but information technology is risky. To reduce the risk of information technology, information systems auditors can with their expertise and practical experience, fiduciary or active service manager in the audited entity or business, and in the process of enterprise information to help businesses improve the internal control system, for system diagnostics; according to business needs, determine objectives and content of information, choose the right software products; helping enterprises to adjust Xianyou of Guan Li structure and process or 淇敼 software products so that they better meet the management of Xu Qiu.
And information systems audit is different from the role of information system project include:
First, the role of supervision and control. Management Information System can help the owner will even reasonable assurance that the project's quality, progress, investment, and reasonably, objectively handle the relationship between them. In the whole process of project construction, supervision units based on state laws and related technical standards, compliance with the law, fairness, impartiality, independence, the process of building the information system, supervision and control, in ensuring quality, safety and effectiveness of the premise under reasonable arrangements progress and investment.
Second, the rational coordination of the construction unit owners of units and the relationship between, this is a major work of supervision. In the information system construction, a lot of time units and construction unit owners in a number of issues in dispute, the owners want to unit and construction unit of the project by a third party in the engineering, design, implementation, inspection, maintenance and other effects of all the various stages of be fair, appropriate and authoritative assessment, which requires coordination and supervision units to protect their work smoothly. Coordination is also needed within the system and the system of external relations, relations between the non-contractual factors, to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.
鈼?business scope and purpose of the different
First, the information system project is a unit of information systems engineering supervision qualification, acceptance of the construction unit of the commission, according to the relevant provisions of state and city, and information systems engineering and construction standards and engineering construction, supervision contracts, the quality of the information system, progress and investment supervision. Mainly used in information engineering construction phase.
Information systems audit is to obtain and evaluate a proof to determine whether information systems can ensure the security of assets, data integrity and the efficient use of organizational resources and be effective in the process of achieving organizational goals. It is based on the organization's strategic objectives for the effective implementation of organizational strategic goals and to take all effective activities. Its business scope includes all areas related to information systems.
Second, the information system project is designed to ensure construction quality, progress and investment to meet the construction requirements. With the completion of the project supervision activities end. Supervision is concerned that the project construction quality, cost and schedule.
The purpose of the information systems audit is reasonable assurance that information security system Nenggou protect assets, data of Wan Zheng, effective De achieve Zuzhimubiao system and make efficient use of organizational Zi Yuan, 鍏?core focus is to protect assets and information systems efficiency, effectiveness. Includes not only the audit of the construction process, more importantly, the operation of information systems audit, the audit report issued to the public, forensic information system's ability to protect corporate assets safe, its formation, the message is complete, the entire system is effectively achieve organizational goals and efficient use of organizational resources. As long as the information system in operation, the audit activity has always existed.
In addition, information systems engineering supervision of the process is visible, that is, the project cost, schedule and quality objectives deviations are visible, timely, correct and easier. But the information systems audit of the information system security, reliability and validity of the identification is invisible, this is precisely the complexity of information systems than the main reason for the project. Information system is completed, it is only the beginning of information, some of China's information construction in case of failure, not the information system does not build, operation and maintenance period is often a problem. Therefore, from this perspective, information systems, information systems audit is to ensure the quality of the effective methods.
鈼?serve different
We can know from the definition of audit services audit forensic identification people, information, information providers, users and the tripartite agreement, that person entrusted by the authentication or authorization, the provider of the information audit, and quality of information provided on its information- used to provide forensic reports. Therefore, the object of audit services is all the information users, including the audited shareholders, creditors, management, government agencies and the general public. As shown in Figure 1 of their relationship.

Figure 1 diagrams the Information Systems Audit Services

Construction supervision services on both sides of the contract. Construction unit and construction unit after the signing of construction contracts, the relationship between the two is equivalent to the exchange relationship, that the construction of units to be delivered on time and quality levels established engineering, physical development, the construction unit to be paid on time is equivalent to the works. Supervision units commissioned after construction units, as the engineering contract for negotiation who, it is to implement the principles of project contracts as "equal treaty" as a contract management and engineering models were paid to sign and acknowledge, its implementation principle is equivalent to the exchange. Therefore, the supervision unit is to serve the interests of both sides, not just for the Client - the construction unit services. As shown in Figure 2 of their relationship.

Figure 2 Diagram Information System Management Services

鈼?work of the main different
Information systems audit subject, including internal audit and external audit of the main subject. When the auditors are an integral part of the audit unit, known as internal audit, its main duty is to collect evidence to determine effectiveness of the system and the use of resources. When the auditor is independent of the audited units, known as the external auditing of the important roles of the audited units is concerned about the security of information assets, real and complete. The only independent supervision of the main building units and construction units, as an external independent third party involved in the project construction.
鈼?different methods
Audit method is to collect evidence of methods, including inspection, observation, analysis of complex inquiries and circularization so on, and using statistical techniques, computer technology to complete the collection and evaluation of evidence. Supervision is to use project management techniques, including cost accounting control, network diagrams and implement quality control methods, the project "one two three control coordination."
Strengthening of information systems audit is a priority
From the above comparison, I believe that:
First, the role of information systems audit is no substitute for the information process only supervision is not enough to carry out the audit, which is the information age needs.
E-commerce and traditional value chain to customer-centric changes in the value chain has changed auditors are engaged in traditional assurance services. Supply chain management processes and procedures - such as inventory demand planning, purchase orders, sales orders, shipping notices and other cash expenditures, through the information system is electronic processing, review and assessment of the integrity of transaction data and reliability, real-time control of the transaction data as necessary. When the company started with new trade partners (instead of the previous trading partners) to exchange information and conduct transactions, trading partners and transaction processing system reliability must be assessed. Auditors may also need to evaluate the reliability of trading partners of customers and integrity. Also engaged in e-commerce companies have their internal Control Extensions to the transaction processing system for all 鏂归潰 because the system and including trade partners Zainei the other systems are closely linked. E-commerce systems of internal control assessment and risk management are also inseparable from the Information Systems Audit. None of the information system project can be completed.
Second, in our active information system audit.
First of all, we need to increase the Information Systems Audit and publicity so that people understand what information systems audit, the reason for the Information Systems Audit.
Second, we should vigorously develop an information systems auditor. Audit of information systems business, there are two forces can tap: First, traditional auditors. Certified Public Accountant in the implementation of the traditional financial statements of assurance services has a long-lasting reputation and experience. In providing information systems and electronic data quality forensic and advisory services, accounting firms face competition for the market convinced he is the best candidate for the implementation of this business, accountants also need to: improve the technical capacity to learn; to continue to defend their available as separate, the role of trusted third party; Bixu transport information technology and network technology skills with traditional assurance services; must Tuozhan to system reliability, confirmed and influenced by the risk analysis, and site certification of the business . Second, information technology consulting in IT technical staff. In the age of electronic commerce, transactions are mostly done automatically by the system, people involved in small, less audit trail exists, in such conditions, the audit must be conducted through the information system. IT technical personnel with the appropriate technical skills.浣嗕粬浠湪閴磋瘉甯傚満杩樼己涔忎細璁″笀浜嬪姟鎵?殑鐙珛銆佸瑙傘?鍏鐨勪俊瑾夛紝缂轰箯瀵圭鐞嗕笌鍐呴儴鎺у埗璁よ瘑銆佽瘎浠风殑缁忛獙锛岀己灏戝璁$殑鐞嗚涓庢妧鑳姐?鍥犳锛孖T鎶?湳浜哄憳浠庝簨淇℃伅绯荤粺瀹¤涓氬姟锛岃琛ュ厖瀹¤鐞嗚鐭ヨ瘑锛屽浼氱敤瀹¤鐨勭洰鍏夛紝鍏虫敞淇℃伅鎶?湳鐨勬晥鐩婏紝浠庣鐞嗘帶鍒惰搴︼紝鑰岄潪绾妧鏈搴︽?鑰冮棶棰樸?


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Friday, October 15, 2010

The number of IP addresses in China reached 140 million second-largest in the world

April 16 message, in, the confidence of the Chinese Internet Center (CNNIC) said Mao Wei, director, at the end of March this year, the number of China's IP address has more than 140 million, ranking second in the world.

In 2006, China has 95 million IP addresses, the actual consumption reached 98 million; 2007, when the actual consumption reached 135 million, ranking third in the world. This year is beyond Japan, after living in the United States; the quantity of IP addresses per capita, China still lags far behind Europe and the United States.

China has been the number of IPv4 addresses only the global amount allocated 4.5% of the total, China's fast development of the Internet, address constraints have significant effect.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Credential is actually very simple

Would like to know whether the customers decided to place an order? It's very simple, like asking a few simple questions that simple. As an article pointed out, customers can make the following questions:

One question: Do you think our products have good people do?

The answer may be "yes", "no", "Maybe." If the answer is "yes", indicating that the customers see the value of the product is worth having, is considering buying it. If the answer is "no" or "maybe", you will need you to do extra work, for example, ask the customer to recommend your product to a friend or colleague, the same time, you recommend to customers is more suitable suppliers.

Second question: Do you think this product will benefit your business do?

If the answer is "yes", indicating that the product the customer is not only beneficial to people in general, and specifically on his or his business benefits directly. At this time, customers have basically agreed to purchase this product. Instead, you will need to do extra work, for example, when customers may be asked to consider buying your products again.

Question 3: In order to facilitate you start using our products, you are willing to complete the transaction file?

Note the wording of this question: If you and the customer interaction is more formal, you use the official language; the contrary, the wording of the random number.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Auto auto parts order will be the first commercial capital of China held in Shiyan

Third World Traditional Wushu (October 28 -11 2 months) period, as the commercial capital of China, the National Torch Plan key automotive components industry base Economic Development Zone, Shiyan, Hubei, to consolidate and strengthen the pillar industries of automobile auto parts improve vehicle and car parts in Shiyan City, the leading industry in both domestic and international influence, will be held ceremoniously in Shiyan City, the first auto auto parts auto parts ordering. Orders will be held October 25 to 27 in China (Shiyan) Auto Parts City, opened.

The Economic Development Zone, Shiyan, and their nearly one hundred key enterprises in multi-vehicle auto parts invitation, then, will be from all over the automobile manufacturers and distributors, authorized dealers, auto parts dealers and distributors, Shiyan Alien Chamber of Commerce (Chengdu, Kunming, Xi'an Auto Parts Association), Shiyan market Friendship with Foreign Countries, friendly associations, auto parts dealers nearly 300 well-known brand car auto parts industry enterprises and more than 1,000 people attend the event, ordering the establishment of dozens of vehicles except The vehicle, 2 thousand species of parts outside the exhibition area will also hold press conferences, product launches, holding a series of orders will be signing economic and trade activities, on-site security will be organized by the Dong Feng Yu, Dongfeng special steam passenger, Hubei power of God, Hubei century COSCO, Hubei Eagle, Dongfeng Special Purpose, east China through more than 10 vehicle manufacturers, etc. and parts suppliers, vehicle manufacturers and agents and dealers, parts manufacturers and distributors agent, zero parts company with raw material suppliers, such as multi observe discussions and negotiations. The conference "to be consultation," to achieve "cultural set up the stage, trade singing" for the supply and demand sides to provide a good platform for purchasing and information exchange, and promote the leading industry in Shiyan auto auto parts fast and healthy development.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Trade more "smoothly" to prevent the risk of more

"Do everything possible to expand exports," was for many years China's foreign trade industry slogan. Today, however, China's foreign trade policy point of such a long time, may have been less suited to the actual stage of economic development in China. There is no doubt that the figures from the customs point of view, foreign trade has become a real driving force of economic growth. However, this trade show carriages continued the strong force, but also make many economists began to worry. Some economists worry that "little more into the" pattern of foreign trade in China as reflected in the external economy will be further dependent on the Chinese economy worry.

"Big but not strong," is China's foreign trade is not an indisputable fact. High foreign trade surplus could become a kind of economic health in the operation of the hidden risks, we should bring the trade surplus from multiple perspective of the practical implications of China's economy.

Many factors were pushing the high trade surplus this year, according to the latest statistics of China Customs, the first half of this year, total import and export 645 billion U.S. dollars, up 23.2%. Of which exports 342.3 billion U.S. dollars, up 32.7%. At the same time, the significant downturn in the first half of import growth, total imports of 302.7 billion U.S. dollars, up 14%, an increase of 29 percentage points lower than the same period last year, 18.7 percentage points lower than the export. Rapid export growth and import growth fell under the influence of the first half of China's trade surplus reached 39.6 billion U.S. dollars, close to last year's level. Although the first half of the continuation of China's exports is nearly three years of rapid growth, but such gains across the board of the surplus, but it is rare in recent years. First half of the 39.6 billion U.S. dollars of high surplus is a common result of many factors at home and abroad.

This year, world economic growth to China's export enterprises to create a better environment for exports. 2004 world economic growth of 5.1%, reaching nearly 20-year high point. Despite the slowdown in world economic growth during the first half, but continued high growth last year. China's major export market, the U.S., EU and Japan has been in a year of economic recovery trend continued. In the international foreign exchange market, the dollar still lower levels in the first half to hover, the vulnerable has been difficult to reverse, which makes our exports maintained a price advantage.

In addition, a comprehensive liberalization of foreign trade in China this year, the right to contribute significantly to China's private enterprises active in export, which has become a sharp rise in first half China's exports an important factor. Rational view of the high surplus in the first half of "little more into the" bring a high surplus of 39.6 billion U.S. dollars. It is estimated that this year, China's trade surplus would be expected to exceed 80 billion U.S. dollars. This year will be our country since 1994, the first 12 years of consecutive trade surplus years, however, such a high trade surplus is not necessarily a good thing, in the current international and domestic economic environment, foreign trade surplus should be used for multi-dimensional perspective rational view. Textile exports have traditionally been the main force of China's foreign trade.

However, during the first half of this year, many Chinese textile exporters, although the majority enjoy a textile quota abolition of export earnings brought about, but the passing of the days is not easy. Between China and the EU and U.S. textile trade friction as a round of consultations carried out to bring their business variables. Textile industry encountered in the international market is a dispute after China's foreign trade enjoyed a huge surplus, China increasing friction with major trading partners, a microcosm. This is a huge foreign trade deficit has brought us one of the most direct negative impact. In fact, not just textiles, including China, footwear, furniture, steel and other products have is the protagonist of friction with its trading partners.

At present, China's major trading partners, trade protectionism against China's great warming trend. With the continued rapid growth of Chinese exports, the international scope of China's trade friction will be wider, involving larger, more sensitive and affected industries, involving more countries. According to figures released by the Commerce Department, U.S. launch IPR protection in the first half of this year's "337 investigation" a total of 11 cases, of which there are about 5 cases in China. June 30, the European Union to investigate China-made shoes, August 13 the EU will implement the relevant electrical product recycling instructions, this is undoubtedly China's machinery exports will have a major impact ... ... faced by the foreign trade of China export enterprises friction undoubtedly greatly increase the cost and risk of loss.

In addition to trading partners may be called in the trade retaliation, the huge foreign trade surplus is thus the largest potential risks arising from growing weight of China's economic dependence on foreign trade. The current trade surplus has become a major driver of economic growth in China. The data show that China import and export trade volume share of GDP, that dependence on foreign trade rising year after year: In 2002, China's foreign trade dependence was 51%, 60% in 2003, more than 70% in 2004. External demand for China's Economic Growth of the increase, will the Chinese economy more vulnerable to international economic and political environment.

"Big but not strong" situation must be changed even though present, China has leaped to the status of the world's third largest trading power, but we do not trade power. In fact, my only reached the scale of trade in the world, trade is still very low quality and efficiency of trade is not high, exports and lower level of profitability. As vice president of Macroeconomic Research of National Development and Reform Commission said Chen Dongqi, the current rapid growth of China's exports?? Primarily not by raising the level of product technology content and added value achieved. To some extent speaking?? China's exports are mainly resource-driven, the number of export-driven?? Rather than technical, efficiency-driven science and technology-driven exports. Institute for International Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce issued the "China foreign trade report" also believes that a long time, China exports a lack of core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, lack of influence of its own export brands, products with low added still account for a large proportion of most marketing network in foreign hands to grasp, a lot of exports were not high comparative advantage in the international division of labor in low-end part of the value chain.

"Big but not strong" situation, the excessive dependence on foreign trade for China's economy brought about by external risks, can not but alert. In the current economic contribution of foreign trade growth expanding role of the case, we most need to do is change the economic growth of China's foreign trade, increased foreign trade to resist external risks, to avoid the ups and downs of foreign trade, and promote the sound development of the national economy.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dan Zhongshao: I want to lead by two years

In Dan Zhongshao (middle) who, it is easy to feel the Zhejiang Culture temperament.

* Dan Zhongshao Introduction

1963, Hangzhou Newgrand Software Corporation president. CPPCC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, executive director of China Software Industry Association, China's top ten software enterprises leader of outstanding private technology entrepreneur in China, the Ten Outstanding Young sixth Hangzhou, Hangzhou Software Industry Association, vice chairman of Hangzhou City District CPPCC National Committee members, the Standing Committee of China Democratic League, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, member of NLD Youth Work Committee.

August 1993, Dan Zhongshao floor with partners and boosting co-founded the Institute of Hangzhou Newgrand computer system. October 2000, Hangzhou Newgrand Software Co., Ltd. was officially established.

Dan Zhongshao continuing commitment to innovation and enterprise management software innovation and development of management thought. In 2003 he put forward the original resource plan based on Agile management URP thought publication of the "End of ERP" a book in 2004, partnering with the Beijing Xinhua published the letter, "End of ERP" companion "Taking Place - the story of Smart Union . "

Just past 2006, for Shizhong Shao and his Newgrand Software Co., Ltd. Hangzhou for a harvest year. This year, URP idea further recognition of domestic customers, market share steadily; Group Finance, Group management software to implement successfully, especially in the Group management solutions put forward, enhanced Newgrand customers in the high-end software the competitiveness of the group.

Clearly, Dan Zhongshao vision much more than that. He let his software solutions always two years ahead of the competition; to implement the service leadership strategy, the company should do, not bigger. These rock-style management concepts from the innovation for wealth, do not do software outsourcing from his firm's attitude is also evident. In 2007, for Newgrand it will be an important year, because the URP will lead the group overall management, as Dan Zhongshao has his sights on international.

Service for the management of the core

"Good companies will ultimately be selling services rather than selling products." Stone-style management philosophy is to serve the first to emphasize the core. URP to group management is optimistic in the e-commerce, URP service great potential for group management.

GUO Xu: 2006 This year Newgrand how the situation?

Dan Zhongshao: Over the past year we continued to advance in the field of high-end: some elaborate strategy early, mid-year SOA product, the end users to groups with financial, group management, URP communication, communication management at the Group successful application.

We divided into two types of group management, one is a multi-industry holding group. A group following many industries, such as in real estate, hotels, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry, several blocks, is a multi-industry holding group. Multi-industry holding may be the state-owned enterprise restructuring, certain bureau or a certain group such as the Office into business.

A second body called the Economic Resource Alliance Group brand chief and type. This group is not big business, in fact, is a virtual value chain, like Hangzhou, Zhejiang, with which many of these brands. This brand is very strong upstream and downstream enterprises, which integrate the upstream suppliers and downstream distributors, not all of their investment, but a virtual business. It is this virtual group as Metersbonwe, its control is very strong. Of course it may have been franchise store, not his own investment company. This conglomerate is our future direction. Brand dominant enterprise is China's hope, its own brand, a single industry, virtual business, economic, physical operation of the Resource Alliance, this company is China's future development direction.

GUO Xu: Newgrand URP time made very long, URP any progress in ideology and practice of how the situation like?

Dan Zhongshao: URP thought we launched in 2003, and now we already have a number of real users of URP and some success stories. These customers should realize the economic resources that union body and optimize resource management, to optimize the management of the Union, the state body. For example, Shanghai Diesel Engine Factory, Hangzhou Automotive Engine Factory, they do the engine, more than 200 stores nationwide 4S, 4S shop that is more than 200 virtual management, many manufacturers are not investing, is to join the. 4S shops and auto parts needs engine sales, service, information feedback, which should be unified in the Internet platform to manage. We give it a URP program, all information can be sent to the latest service point, and then point to the customer service problems. The platform is a very good application of URP.

ERP previous question is that it's resources are not their own, all the ERP can not solve the problem. The focus of in-house ERP logistics, manufacturing, finance, does not extend to the alliance overall management body of the platform, system sales, collaborative services. Currently more and more companies like - to use the Internet platform and some of its partners in service-oriented organizational structure system, service-oriented process architecture. Why? As dealers, suppliers, customers, partners provide services, such services is the Agile approach. Such as McDonald's management headquarters to give the following services, to provide guidance. A dominant enterprise, its function is, both the guide, coach, but also a nanny, not only to provide services, but also provide the platform.

GUO Xu: You mentioned that the dominant enterprise is to provide services for the Alliance, does not mean it is a service industry, right?

Dan Zhongshao: We want to build service-oriented enterprises, but the company does not have to do the service sector. Service industry itself should provide services, it is directly for the final consumer. I just talk about service, refers to all business enterprises, there are service-oriented production. This kind of enterprise, we think it is a service-oriented enterprises, not service-oriented industries. Modern service-oriented enterprise is the trend.

GUO Xu: Newgrand from the internal supply chain and the angle of URP concept of the ecological environment, but WebService is raised from a technical point of view, but I feel there is a consistent ideology, I would like to invite you to talk about their similarities and differences.

Dan Zhongshao: WebService We have been studying the concept, it is business-oriented architecture, is a technical one. URP is in the process on. But regardless of what the modern business enterprise, we should have a technology or process the idea of serving. Bluntly in one sentence, service penetration to all processes inside.

URP's idea is to reflect a service, the Union's resources to the optimization of physical well planned, was asked to thinks of others, reduce the costs of upstream and downstream, will be very competitive. Therefore, management must use a win-win alliance body thought management, awareness must be services to management, resource planning body of such an alliance can do. If you only consider their own, do not provide services, not to the Union to provide a good trading platform body and the service platform, then the body of the league will be very poor service satisfaction, brand satisfaction are low, the end result is the impact of their own. To achieve URP management, there must be Service Agile thinking, would take into account all of the Alliance all the body, for the sake of union body.

GUO Xu: It is now very popular in e-commerce and vigorously promote the premise, URP, how are you have a good difference between e-commerce? How can complement each other?

Dan Zhongshao: We asked when the URP, and e-commerce is fully consistent, URP is the success of e-commerce pioneer dominant enterprise brand. Not just because of URP tube, but all internal and external control, is body-oriented alliance. E-commerce platform to help realize the URP must be a means of e-commerce.

URP ideas and e-commerce business model of successful enterprises are the same, their success is due to provide a new service. Alibaba to provide SMEs with an online publishing platform for all information and build their own portal, store platform. Including the payment of Po, Taobao is to provide services, there is no production and sales, just by way of members money, earn money.

Now Agile approach is to attract people through the Internet platform to solve the problem we sell. B2C in China now is very small, very popular in the United States. We order products online when the website is a sense of service. Site also Purchasing Guide, as we have in store as Purchasing Guide, you see clothes, he tells you how to do, and not to sell your product. With the development of the Internet and URP-depth, more and more services Shopping guide.

To get wealth from innovation

"My company should adhere to the path of innovation, outsourcing will not do." This is a rock-style management philosophy of an important principle. Newgrand goal is two years ahead of the competition in technology. In fact, in the promotion of the URP few years, they have done.

GUO Xu: Now we all accept the software level services, including customized services to large enterprises, more and more a tendency in this regard. There are many customization cost control, of course, now there are many new technologies resolved. Available products can still market performance in recent years, which shows that the software-level service is not that time, or have any questions?

Dan Zhongshao: This is a process that allows everybody to accept now is unlikely. For us, the software level increasing proportion of services that more and more to software development services. Do not make money selling software, but the service a lot of money, services, income increasing proportion of our company which has been high, this is the first.

Second, we provide software to the group, while the dominant enterprise, in fact, is also seeking to make software cheaper and higher value services to our customers with our technology center how to interact together, how to provide more Internet-based platform support, technical support easier, and how our customers better in a platform for exchange of inside, the same group as the construction of a QQ interaction. Providing such services more and more, more and more additional content, in fact, will ultimately reflect the many benefits. The price of software services in Europe and the United States the ratio is not high, and we just the opposite, but is changing. The future trend is that software is almost free of charge to the customer, but the service must be charged. After the adoption of software, including some advertising revenue, such as you use my software, if they can accept my ad, you can use free of charge.

GUO Xu: Domestic software Ye Hao, domestic corporations, or, in fact, is their biggest problem is how innovation. China also raised the concept of an innovative country. Have been doing for so many years Newgrand software, the proposed concept are innovative. What next step can continue to innovate, or innovation in the areas where there is difficulty to be overcome?

Dan Zhongshao: We continue to deny the company itself is growing up among themselves. Group Finance proposed in 1996, we first negate the others. Just launched in 2001, when the international ERP, began self-criticism. URP 2003, again denied his release, continue to innovate. Of course, we must first lead by six months or a year. Currently, we e-commerce solution is two years ahead of the competition. We are in 2003 and 2004 do, now opponents are actively operating. From launch to maturity takes time. We do model 2004, model 2005, project acceptance, in 2006 to promote, two years ahead of time. Therefore, we must keep to innovation, because we, after all, who later, but the technology we have to advance the above.

GUO Xu: What do you think support Newgrand innovation?

Dan Zhongshao: a culture. Our culture decided that we must be innovative to survive, we must lead rivals, some people do not dare to do, do not want to do, but what the future is very promising, we must try, no matter how much the price can not just follow others go, or must not have any living space. The second is our company's talents. We should be above the high-end talent that has been very good. These two points are the basis for our innovation.

GUO Xu: Do you think management philosophy on the role of management software in the end how much? Its success or failure of the management software will play what role?

Dan Zhongshao: management philosophy in terms of management software is essential. Because the technology platform through technology continues to follow up the input to do to upgrade, but if you can not be innovative management ideas, can not move forward, your product can bring value to those customers to upgrade quickly. If you are the advanced management concept, you can support the new business model, then it is a support business innovation. Software does not hinder business innovation, but rather to support business innovation. We provide a platform for enterprises to learn URP hopes the idea, hope they have a greater competitive edge. This ERP enterprise from a narrow ideological jumped out to a broader vision to see alliance structure.

Most do not do the best

"Which one of the plates is not large, which one would best." This is a rock-style management in the concept of business concept. Dan Zhongshao that only the pursuit of quality, pursuit of reputation, a good company to success. In 2007, Newgrand will try to reach the international.

GUO Xu: You do business in the URP does not have the radiating case, doomed to customers less, blossom everywhere this influence with others is not the same. All these years you are widening or narrowing the gap? This has nothing to do with the business strategy?

Dan Zhongshao: We Newgrand position, not the pursuit of the plate size. Our pursuit of quality, pursuit of these enterprises in which we locate how to do the operation fine. We care about is a word of mouth, is a brand. A good brand does not mean it the largest plate. Large domestic color TV which a plate on which one best do? Not necessarily. Is the same car, the plate is the largest public companies in the world. Volkswagen is the first brand? May not. Now entering an age of branding, not the plate is the first company of the largest companies. We are also learning such as the Toyota Fine thinking, can create such high quality as the Lexus cars. Each group has a preference does not mean that most who hear the name of who bought the software, it must trend. Our strategy for next year is very clear, that is service leadership strategy. The second strategy is the internationalization strategy, the new international market in the General Assembly.

GUO Xu: Newgrand how to consider the issue of internationalization?

Dan Zhongshao: We have tried, next year will give you some answers. These two strategies are very clear corporate strategy, leading services, fine service, etc. All of these are Newgrand to do. We are not after the plate much, but that I consider myself strong in this area, the brand and excellent, my customer base the most promising to me. Newgrand is a pursuit of fine service company in Hangzhou area with our brand image have a very strong correlation, we reflect on the good sense of service, service leader. Customers buy is service. Service leader is now the first strategy, internationalization is just a stage thing.

GUO Xu: how do you see the internationalization of China's software?

Dan Zhongshao: We caught the market to find, but after this market will enlarge, use our low-cost China - the most dangerous place is probably the most safe place. We kill to go inside the heart of the enemy, he may be a very promising product. But we do not outsource, many companies, so I am outsourcing, and I was refused.

GUO Xu: entrepreneurs should know not to do, before we know what to do.

Dan Zhongshao: Yes, must have a clear positioning, just as my previous position, do not fly that does not sit. I have a lot of Hangzhou leading to other areas, but were I refused. Newgrand positioning service fine pure software companies, software companies are the real Hangzhou is Newgrand, hundreds of R & D personnel are in Newgrand. An entrepreneur must have their own position.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

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It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Friday, March 12, 2010

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How-to Xbox 360 Converter is a professional video converter to convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Xbox MP4 format. The output Xbox MP4 video files can be played on your Apple Xbox. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output Xbox MP4 videos fit your Apple Xbox.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

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Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
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Saturday, February 27, 2010

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How-to DVD to SWF is easy converts your Flash swf files to compliant Avi, Mpeg, VCD, SVCD or DVD structures (VOB and IFO).It converts your batch files into a compliant DVD Video set of files and burns it on a DVD blank media DVD+-R(W). The aspect ratio can be automatically selected or forced to a specific format. The program works for NTSC and PAL video format and create automatically chapters. Multiple audio tracks are supported. and burn them to a DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW, and DVD-RW, so that you can play your Flash swf on DVD player.It is a Powerful and versatile DVD creator. The user-firenldy and easy-to-use interface lets you set begin-time/end-time for each Flash swf and batch convert. Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost! Cool SWF Converter Mixer Convert Macromedia Flash SWF to MPEG AVI video file. SWF to Video Converter is a powerful utility that supports to convert Macromedia Flash SWF files to MPEG AVI or VCD SVCD DVD compatible MPEG files including movie clips, action scripts and audio in the Flash movies. Also join many SWF files in one large AVI or VCD SVCD DVD compatible MPEG file. Allow the human interaction on Flash content during conversion, no skip frames and support 32bits RGBA alpha channel video that can be directed imported by video authoring tool for composition. Main features: batch conversion for SWFs to MPEG AVI VCD SVCD DVDs, batch Join for SWFs to MPEG AVI VCD SVCD DVDs, join many SWF files in one large video file, extract MP3/WAV sound.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

VQF to M3U Deluxe

VQF to M3U Deluxe is an extremely easy to use yet powerful converter and decoder. Very stable Performance. Very fast install. Very stable Performance. Take up the very few system resources. Very stable Performance. Very fast install. Take up the very few system resources. VQF to M3U Deluxe is an extremely easy to use yet powerful CD.
Convert MIDI files to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM file audio formats.

Recommand Link:

how to change XVID avi files to google video

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

AC3 to Sound Deluxe

AC3 to Sound Deluxe is a professional conversion tools for converting RM, RA, RAM, RMVB, RMJ, WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, AVI, MP2, AIFF, AU, VOX to WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA formats. Main features include convert RM, RA, RAM, RMVB, RMJ, WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, AVI, MP2, AIFF, AU, VOX to WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA formats, full drag and drop support, simple, easy-to-use, and highly customizable interface, fast conversion speed, audio format conversion is performed directly without any temporary files, and thus enables high converting speed and economy of hard disk resource, and batch audio files conversion.
It supports ID3v1,2 tagging that allows you to save and edit song information such as title of a song and album, name of artist, year etc. in MP3, OGG and WMA files. Encode WAV to MP3, OGG, WMA;

Recommand Link:

converting Dv to avi video